Our company started its production activity in 1976 first by producing notebooks. In order to achieve the requirements of the age and extend the field of activity , it made new investments in 1991 and kept going as a leading company in the production of paper rolls and continuous form.

As a result of its close cooperations with the world’s leading paper and converting machine producers , our company increased the production capacity and procurement network constantly and became  the most important actor meeting  the demands of the industry in a fast and reliable way.

In 1996 we got the trademark registration certificates for our brands ; ENGİN ,ROYALFAKS, ROYALFORM,KADEN and UFUK.

Our company succeeded in expanding its sales and marketing activities all over Turkey and started exploring abroad markets due to its customer oriented and quality-focused approach in business.

Bringing together the industry’s most experienced production and sales staff under the same roof,Engin Kağıt offers its products to customers in Turkey’s and world’s lots of different points; to national and local market chains, different areas such as finance, stationary and retail business.

Parallel to its growth speed, it plays an active role in the export markets and makes a significant contribution to the development and representation of our country in overseas market by exporting to more than 20 countries.